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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Keybinds
1.1 Unset keybinds
How do I get Alt+Left/Right
to not move windows? I want
these to navigate forward/backwards in File Managers and Firefox.
You could either copy rc.xml.all
and just remove the
entries you do not want, such as
<keybind key="A-Left">
Or you could use the None
action or simply define a
keybind with no action (which does the same). For example:
<keybind key="A-Left"/>
<keybind key="A-Right"/>
1.2 Common keybinds
How do I get Windows+Up
maximize/restore-to-previous-size a window?
<keybind key="W-Up"><action name="ToggleMaximize"/></keybind>
See ToggleMaximize action.
Q: Is it possible to launch wofi with only the Super key?
No. I’m afraid that is not yet implemented.
Q: Is it possible to show gaps for maximized windows?
<action name="SnapToEdge" direction="center" />
Q: How do I close windows
with W-q
<keybind key="W-q"><action name="Close"/></keybind>
Q: Keybinds to switch-to / move-a-window-to workspace 1, 2 etc.?
In true sway
<keybind key="W-1"><action name="GoToDesktop" to="1"/></keybind>
<keybind key="W-2"><action name="GoToDesktop" to="2"/></keybind>
<keybind key="W-3"><action name="GoToDesktop" to="3"/></keybind>
<keybind key="W-S-1"><action name="SendToDesktop" to="1" follow="false"/></keybind>
<keybind key="W-S-2"><action name="SendToDesktop" to="2" follow="false"/></keybind>
<keybind key="W-S-3"><action name="SendToDesktop" to="3" follow="false"/></keybind>
2. Theme
2.1 Server Side Decoration
Q: Is it possible to completely remove windows’ title-bars?
Yes. Action ToggleDecoration
, but it removes borders
<windowRule title="*" >
<action name="ToggleDecoration"/>
Q: I’d like to be able to remove the client-menu button. How can this be done?
Add this to ~/.config/labwc/themerc-override
window.active.button.menu.unpressed.image.color: #000000 0
window.inactive.button.menu.unpressed.image.color: #000000 0
3. Mouse and Trackpads
3.1 Libinput
Q: How to scroll with the right edge of the trackpad?
Not yet implemented.
3.2 Mousebinds
Q: I’m used to MS Windows and would like all window to unfocus when I click the desktop. How can this be achieved?
<default />
<context name="Root">
<mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
<action name="Unfocus" />