Obligatory Screenshot

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Tweaks
  4. Theme
  5. Panel
  6. Screenshots

1. Introduction

The obligatory screenshot used on the labwc website index page and GitHub repo README.md was created a long time ago and can not easily be re-produced as it was made with experimental tools and long lost config files.

In response to frequent requests, this document describes a setup that brings you pretty close using tools that are maintained and readily available.

2. Background

swaybg -c '#21333b'

3. Tweaks

The window is an early version of the labwc-tweaks config tool.

4. Theme

The GTK/Openbox theme is BL-Lithium. To use it, copy the BL-Lithium directory to ~/.local/share/themes/ and use labwc-tweaks to apply it.

5. Panel

Use sfwbar.

Create a ~/.config/sfwbar/sfwbar.config with the content below.

Copy {battery-svg,startmenu,winops}.widget from sfwbar/config to ~/.config/sfwbar/.

Set Term = "sakura"

function("SfwbarInit") {
  SetBarId "bar-0"
  SetLayer "top"


layout "sfwbar" {

  button {
    style = "launcher"
    value = $Term
    action = Exec $Term

  button {
    style = "launcher"
    value = "firefox"
    action = "firefox"

  taskbar {
    rows = 1
    group = true
    group cols = 1
    group style = "taskbar_group"
    group labels = true
    group icons = true
    icons = true
    labels = true
    action[3] = Menu "winops"

  label { css = "* { -GtkWidget-hexpand: true; min-height: 30x; }" }


  label {
    value = Time("%k:%M")
    style ="clock"

@define-color lab_bg_color RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.85);
@define-color lab_active_color #bc4b4f;
@define-color lab_hover_color RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
@define-color lab_text_color #d1d1d1;
@define-color lab_menu_bg_color #353535;

window {
  -GtkWidget-direction: bottom;
  background-color: @lab_bg_color;

label {
  font-size: 14px;
  color: @lab_text_color;
  text-shadow: none;

button image {
  outline-style: none;
  box-shadow: none;
  background-image: none;
  border-image: none;
  border-radius: 0;
  min-height: 30px;
  min-width: 30px;
  margin: 0px;
  margin-right: 3px;
  border: 0px;
  background-color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
  -GtkWidget-valign: center;

button:hover {
  background-color: @lab_hover_color;

button#taskbar_group_active {
  border: 0px;
  -GtkWidget-valign: center;

button#taskbar_group_active {
  background-color: @lab_active_color;

button#taskbar_group_active:hover {
  background-color: @lab_hover_color;

#menu_item *,
#menu_item image,
#menu_item label {
  -GtkWidget-halign: start;
  color: white;

#menu_item image {
  min-width: 16px;
  min-height: 16px;
  padding-right: 2px;
  margin-right: 7px;
  margin-left: 3px;

menu {
  background-color: @lab_menu_bg_color;

menu arrow {
  background: none;

label#clock {
  color: @lab_text_color;
  -GtkWidget-vexpand: true;
  -GtkWidget-valign: center;
  font-size: 18px;
  margin-right: 8px;

6. Screenshots

With described tools and config:
