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labwc - theme files
The theme engine aims to be compatible with openbox and themes will be searched for in the following order:
路 ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/themes/<theme-name>/labwc/
路 $HOME/.themes/<theme-name>/labwc/
路 /usr/share/themes/<theme-name>/labwc/
路 /usr/local/share/themes/<theme-name>/labwc/
路 /opt/share/themes/<theme-name>/labwc/
路 ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/themes/<theme-name>/openbox-3/
路 $HOME/.themes/<theme-name>/openbox-3/
路 /usr/share/themes/<theme-name>/openbox-3/
路 /usr/local/share/themes/<theme-name>/openbox-3/
路 /opt/share/themes/<theme-name>/openbox-3/
When $XDG_DATA_HOME is defined, it replaces (rather than augments) $HOME/.local/share. The same is the case for $XDG_DATA_DIRS and /usr/share/.
Choosing a theme is done by editing the <name> key in the <theme> section of the rc.xml configuration file (labwc-config(5)).
A theme consists of a themerc file and optionally some titlebar icons (referred to as buttons).
Theme settings specified in themerc can be overridden by creating a 'themerc-override' file in the configuration directory, which is normally $HOME/.config/labwc/ but can be a few other locations as described in labwc-config(5).
Colors can be specified by either of the following:
路 #rrggbb (hexadecimal RGB values)
路 #rrggbb aaa (same but with decimal alpha value percentage)
路 #rrggbbaa (same but with inline alpha value in hex encoding)
Note: the #rrggbb aaa notation is deprecated starting from labwc 0.7.2 and may be removed in future releases.
Justification determines the horizontal alignment of text. Valid options are Left, Center and Right.
Line width (integer) of border drawn around window frames. Default is 1.
Horizontal titlebar padding size, in pixels, between border and first button on the left/right. Default is 0.
Vertical titlebar padding size, in pixels. Default is 0.
Border color of active window. Default is #aaaaaa.
Border color of inactive window. Default is #aaaaaa.
Status indicator for the ToggleKeybinds action. Can be set to the same value as set for window.active.border.color to disable the status indicator. Default is #ff0000.
Background color for the focused window's titlebar. Default is #e1dedb.
Background color for non-focused windows' titlebars. Default is #f6f5f4.
Text color for the focused window's titlebar. Default is #000000.
Text color non-focused windows' titlebars. Default is #000000.
Specifies how window titles are aligned in the titlebar for both focused and unfocused windows. Type justification. Default is Center.
Width of a titlebar button, in pixels. Default is 26.
Height of a titlebar button, in pixels. Default is 26.
Space between titlebar buttons, in pixels. Default is 0.
Radius of the hover effect of a titlebar button, in pixels. Default is 0.
Note: for a circular hover effect, set window.button.width and window.button.height equal and window.button.hover.bg.corner-radius half of them.
Color of the images in titlebar buttons in their default, unpressed, state. This element is for the focused window. Default is #000000.
Color of the images in titlebar buttons in their default, unpressed, state. This element is for non-focused windows. Default is #000000.
Note: Button elements (i.e. window.[in]active.button.*) may be defined uniquely for each type of button ("menu", "iconify", "max", "shade", "desk" or "close") by appending the type after the "button" node. For example:
路 window.active.button.iconify.unpressed.image.color indicates the color of the
iconify button for active windows; while
路 window.inactive.button.close.unpressed.image.color indicates the color of the
close button for inactive windows.
This syntax is not documented by Openbox, but is supported and is used by many popular themes. For the sake of brevity, these elements are not listed here, but all are supported.
Size of the drop-shadow for the focused window, in pixels. Default is 60.
Size of drop-shadows for non-focused windows, in pixels. Default is 40.
Color of the drop-shadow for the focused window, including opacity. Default is #00000060 (black with 38% opacity).
Color of drop-shadows for non-focused windows, including opacity. Default is #00000040 (black with 25% opacity).
Horizontal overlap in pixels between submenus and their parents. A positive value move submenus over the top of their parents, whereas a negative value creates a gap between submenus and their parents. Default is 0.
Vertical offset in pixels between submenus and their parents. Positive values for downwards and negative for upwards. Default is 0.
Minimal width for menus. Default is 20. A fixed width can be achieved by setting .min and .max to the same value.
Maximal width for menus. Default is 200. A fixed width can be achieved by setting .min and .max to the same value.
Border width of menus in pixels. Inherits border.width if not set.
Border color of menus. Inherits window.active.border.color if not set.
Horizontal padding of menu text entries in pixels. Default is 7.
Vertical padding of menu text entries in pixels. Default is 4.
Background color of inactive menu items. Default is #fcfbfa.
Text color of inactive menu item. Default is #000000.
Background color of active menu items. Default is #e1dedb.
Text color of active menu item. Default is #000000.
Line thickness of menu separators. Default is 1.
Space on the left and right side of each separator line. Default is 6.
Space above and below each separator line. Default is 3.
Menu separator color. Default is #888888.
Menu title color. Default is #589bda. Note: A menu title is a separator with a label.
Specifies how menu titles are aligned in the titlebar. Type justification. Default is Center.
Text color of separator label. Default is #ffffff.
Background color of on-screen-display. Inherits window.active.title.bg.color if not set.
Border color of on-screen-display. Inherits osd.label.text.color if not set.
Border width of on-screen-display. Inherits border.width if not set.
Text color of on-screen-display. Inherits window.active.label.text.color if not set.
Width of window switcher in pixels. Default is 600. Width can also be percent of the width of the monitor. % is mandatory as last character in this case, max 100%
Padding of window switcher in pixels. This is the space between the window-switcher border and its items. Default is 4.
Horizontal padding of window switcher entries in pixels. Default is 10.
Vertical padding of window switcher entries in pixels. Default is 1.
Border width of the selection box in the window switcher in pixels. Default is 2.
Border width of the outlines shown as the preview of the window selected by window switcher. Inherits osd.border.width if not set.
Color(s) of the outlines shown as the preview of the window selected by window switcher. Possible value is a color or up to 3 colors separated by commas (e.g. "#ffffff,#000000,#ffffff"). When multiple colors are specified, a multi-line rectangle with each line having the specified color is drawn. If not set, this inherits the on-screen-display theme ("[osd.bg.color],[osd.label.text.color],[osd.bg.color]").
Width of boxes in workspace switcher in pixels. Setting to 0 disables boxes. Default is 20.
Height of boxes in workspace switcher in pixels. Setting to 0 disables boxes. Default is 20.
馃敆snapping.overlay.region.bg.enabled [yes|no]
Show a filled rectangle as an overlay when a window is snapped to a region. Default is yes for hardware-based renderers and no for software-based renderers.
馃敆snapping.overlay.edge.bg.enabled [yes|no]
Show a filled rectangle as an overlay when a window is snapped to an edge. Default is yes for hardware-based renderer and no for software-based renderers.
馃敆snapping.overlay.region.border.enabled [yes|no]
Show an outlined rectangle as an overlay when a window is snapped to a region. Default is no for hardware-based renderers and yes for software-based renderers.
馃敆snapping.overlay.edge.border.enabled [yes|no]
Show an outlined rectangle as an overlay when a window is snapped to an edge. Default is no for hardware-based renderer and yes for software-based renderers.
Color of a filled rectangle shown as an overlay when a window is snapped to a region. Default is #8080b380.
Color of a filled rectangle shown as an overlay when a window is snapped to an edge. Default is #8080b380.
Border width of an outlined rectangle shown as an overlay when a window is snapped to a region. Inherits `osd.border.width` if not set.
Border width of an outlined rectangle shown as an overlay when a window is snapped to an edge. Inherits `osd.border.width` if not set.
Color(s) of an outlined rectangle shown as an overlay when a window is snapped to a region. Possible values and the default value are the same as those of osd.window-switcher.preview.border.color.
Color(s) of an outlined rectangle shown as an overlay when a window is snapped to an edge. Possible values and the default value are the same as those of osd.window-switcher.preview.border.color.
Set both window.active.border.color and window.inactive.border.color. This is obsolete, but supported for backward compatibility as some themes still contain it.
Width of magnifier window border in pixels. Default is 1.
Color of the magnfier window border. Default is #ff0000 (red).
The images used for the titlebar icons are referred to as buttons.
The image formats listed below are supported. They are listed in order of precedence, where the first format in the list is searched for first.
路 png
路 svg
路 xbm
By default, buttons are 1-bit xbm (X Bitmaps). These are masks where 0=clear and 1=colored. The xbm image files are placed in the same directory as the themerc file within a particular theme. The following xbm buttons are supported:
路 max.xbm
路 iconify.xbm
路 close.xbm
路 menu.xbm
路 max_toggled.xbm
路 desk.xbm
路 desk_toggled.xbm
路 shade.xbm
路 shade_toggled.xbm
Additional icons can be defined to be shown when the mouse pointer is hovering over the button in question:
路 max_hover.xbm
路 iconify_hover.xbm
路 close_hover.xbm
路 menu_hover.xbm
路 max_toggled_hover.xbm
路 desk_hover.xbm
路 desk_toggle_hover.xbm
路 shade_hover.xbm
路 shade_toggle_hover.xbm
One advantage of xbm buttons over other formats is that they change color based on the theme. Other formats use the suffices "-active" and "-inactive" to align with the respective titlebar colors. For example: "close-active.png"
For compatibility reasons, the following alternative names are supported for xbm files:
路 max_hover_toggled.xbm for max_toggled_hover.xbm
When using png or svg icons, for a full theme experience all of the following icons should be added:
路 close-active.[png|svg]
路 close_hover-active.[png|svg]
路 close_hover-inactive.[png|svg]
路 close-inactive.[png|svg]
路 iconify-active.[png|svg]
路 iconify_hover-active.[png|svg]
路 iconify_hover-inactive.[png|svg]
路 iconify-inactive.[png|svg]
路 max-active.[png|svg]
路 max_hover-active.[png|svg]
路 max_hover-inactive.[png|svg]
路 max-inactive.[png|svg]
路 max_toggled-active.[png|svg]
路 max_toggled_hover-active.[png|svg]
路 max_toggled_hover-inactive.[png|svg]
路 max_toggled-inactive.[png|svg]
路 menu-active.[png|svg]
路 menu_hover-active.[png|svg]
路 menu_hover-inactive.[png|svg]
路 menu-inactive.[png|svg]
路 shade-active.[png|svg]
路 shade_hover-active.[png|svg]
路 shade_hover-inactive.[png|svg]
路 shade-inactive.[png|svg]
路 shade_toggled-active.[png|svg]
路 shade_toggled-inactive.[png|svg]
路 shade_toggled_hover-active.[png|svg]
路 shade_toggled_hover-inactive.[png|svg]
路 desk-active.[png|svg]
路 desk_hover-active.[png|svg]
路 desk_hover-inactive.[png|svg]
路 desk-inactive.[png|svg]
路 desk_toggled-active.[png|svg]
路 desk_toggled-inactive.[png|svg]
路 desk_toggled_hover-active.[png|svg]
路 desk_toggled_hover-inactive.[png|svg]
The handle is the window edge decoration at the bottom of the window.
labwc(1), labwc-config(5), labwc-actions(5)